IFI IPurifier3


iPurifier 3 är en fantastisk produkt som förbättrar ljudsignalen som kommer via USB. Produkten förbättrar signalen genom att ta bort brus och jitter. DU kommer höra direkt att ljudet är renare och mer levande.



Loving your computer audio set-up but got annoying system and power noise?

Let the iPurifier3 improve your USB audio playback experience.

Gremlins beware

Computer audio often comes with annoying noise and jitter.

The iPurifier3 is for anyone into USB audio who regularly battles with these irritating audio gremlins.

Never fear, let the iPurifier3 be your system’s white knight.

ifi audio iPurifier3

The white knight

The third generation and slightly larger reincarnation of the iPurifier measures just 69 x 19 x 20mm in its new, dashing white armour. Both Type A and B are available.

It uses iFi Active Noise Cancellation2 tech to decrease noise by 100x or -40dB in comparison to the common noise filter.

REclock, REgenerate, REbalance®

Our state-of-the-art REclockREgenarate and REbalance2® technology will get your audio back on track.

Put simply, it actively ‘restores’ the USB audio+power streams which eliminates jitter and ensures smooth passage for your music. REbalance® actually removes distortion caused by DC offset.

ifi audio iPurifier3

Dashing. Durable.

The iPurifier3 is set up for all future PCM, DSD and DXD formats. And it’s not just better looking on the outside, it’s been improved on the inside with updated components. No need to worry about upgrading for years to come.

It will improve your USB audio playback experience faster than you can say King Arthur and the Round Table.

The good news is that it is ready for all present and all future PCM, DSD and DXD files without restriction. Your music is safe, sound and future-proofed.

Enjoy the silence! Our Active Noise Cancellation II® (ANC II) tech means that measured noise drops by 100x or 40dB in comparison to the common noise filter.

REclock2, REgenerate2, REbalance2® – cleaner, clearer music. The 2nd generation of this technology creates an all new signal, eliminates computer jitter and removes noise contamination to restore a ‘balanced’ signal.

iFi always uses the best components possible. These OS-CON™ capacitors provide excellent noise reduction and have a long life span. They are not often found in products costing <US$1000.

Read more about how they benefit sound improvement here.

Tantalum capacitors are another example of the top-notch components we prefer. These polarised electrolytic capacitors have superior frequency and stability characteristics, giving them a super high volumetric efficiency.

Vishay MELF resistors – complex, costly but superior.

These metal electrode leadless face resistors have excellent accuracy, stability, reliability, and pulse load capability. They provide optimal power rating and pulse load capability. Nothing else comes close.

This excellent copper-alloy EMI shielding isolates devices and cables to block radio frequency electromagnetic radiation.

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Vikt 2 kg


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